Throughout their lifetime, women experience unique events that can change their bodies and their physical function. This includes pregnancy, labour and delivery, menopause, and urological or gynelogical surgeries. As a result of these events, normal bladder, bowel, and sexual function may change. Women may begin to experience incontinence (bladder or bowel leakage) or painful sexual intercourse. Often, the pelvic floor muscles are involved with these bodily changes.
Women’s health physiotherapy treatment involves retraining the pelvic floor muscles to restore normal bladder, bowel and sexual function.
At Marpole Physiotherapy Clinic, pelvic floor physiotherapists Carmen MacAngus and Sally Stelling can help you correct your pelvic floor muscle function and teach you strategies to deal with the following problems:
- bladder or bowel incontinence
- painful sexual intercourse (dyspareunia)
- overactive bladder (frequency and urgency)
- interstitial cystitis
- pregnancy-related problems (pelvic pain, incontinence)
- constipation
- vulvodynia, vestibulodynia